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6 Simple Ways To Reduce Your Enviromental Impact Every Day

We all impact the environment, whether it be through the products we buy, the way we travel, or the energy we use. Although it can be intimidating to think about changing your lifestyle to reduce your environmental impact, we can do many simple things every day to lessen our contribution to global warming and ecological destruction. This article will discuss 6 simple ways to reduce your daily environmental impact.

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6 Simple Ways To Reduce Your Enviromental Impact Every Day

Reduce your reliance on single-use plastics

In 2016, the global production of plastics surpassed 400 billion pounds, and only 9% of these materials were recycled. The production of plastics requires a massive amount of energy and releases millions of tons of CO2 into the atmosphere. It also involves using harmful chemicals such as BPA, which can seep into our drinking water when the containers are recycled. Another issue with single-use plastics is that they take centuries to biodegrade, meaning they are often still around long after being discarded. Reducing your dependence on single-use plastics can be as easy as bringing your own reusable coffee mug to the coffee shop or using a cloth bag when shopping.

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Invest in more eco-friendly products

When choosing new products, it is essential to consider their environmental impact. This includes the materials the product is made from and the amount of energy required to produce it. For example, choosing a 100% organic cotton t-shirt over a polyester one will have a much lower environmental impact. This is because cotton is a relatively low-impact crop that requires significantly fewer pesticides and water than other fabrics, such as polyester. When purchasing a new appliance or electronic device, it is essential to choose an energy-efficient model. This will reduce your energy consumption and lower your carbon footprint. 

Implement sustainable transportation methods

There are many ways to get around town that are more environmentally friendly than driving a car. Walking and cycling are the best ways to reduce your carbon footprint, as they do not produce any CO2 emissions. If you do not live close to your place of employment, there are environmentally friendly modes of transportation, such as public transportation and ride-sharing. Public transportation is a great way to connect with your community and reduce your environmental impact by not driving a car. Another option is carpooling, which allows you to share a ride with others in your community and significantly reduce your carbon footprint.

Reduce your energy consumption

When choosing new appliances, furniture, or lighting fixtures, you should opt for items that use less energy. Selecting a more eco-friendly thermostat over a traditional model will lower your energy bill and reduce CO2 emissions. Another way to reduce energy consumption is by unplugging appliances and electronic devices when not in use. This may seem like a small change, but it can lead to significant reductions in energy consumption. Therefore, it is essential to make this a habit and unplug anything that is not in use. 

You might find that you’re wasting a lot of energy when it comes to your utilities, particularly your HVAC. It’s worth considering an AC repair to help reduce the costs and output of energy that’s likely being wasted, particularly with older units.

Utilize renewable energy sources

Renewable energy sources, such as solar and wind, are clean, renewable sources. This means they do not negatively impact the environment and can improve it. You will reduce your carbon footprint significantly by choosing to get your energy from renewable sources. Many government and utility company programs help make switching to renewable energy more affordable for your household.

Educate yourself on environmental issues

To truly commit to reducing your environmental impact, it is essential to be well-informed on current environmental issues. You can start by reading this article about the Great Barrier Reefer by Anne and Carl Deane. Many organizations promote solutions to climate change and other ecological problems. You can make small, significant changes by educating yourself on these issues and how you can help. 

By making these small changes, you can reduce your carbon footprint and leave a smaller environmental impact. These small changes can add up to make a big difference, so don’t wait to make a difference.

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