Using Dermapen to Get Rid of Stretch Marks

How to Use Dermapen to Get Rid of Stretch Marks

After numerous experiments with various lotions and oils in order to eliminate stretch marks, the world eventually provided us with a workable alternative: dermapen!

Using Dermapen to Get Rid of Stretch Marks
How to Use Dermapen to Get Rid of Stretch Marks

Stretch marks affect 50% to 90% of women. Even though it is less frequent, many men also have them. You aren’t lonesome if you have them.

Micro-needling rollers, like as the well-known Dermapen, can help reduce the appearance of them, as they have done for countless males and females. In this article, we’ll look at how dermarolling stretch marks can enable you get rid of scars.

Table of Contents

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Basic Info About Stretch Marks

Stretch marks are rippling scars that extend over the skin. They start out purple or reddish, but after a while, they subside to a more normal skin tone. They are almost painless. The overstretching of the skin over a short time period causes these brown, pink, or white marks. They develop when your skin is stressed and collagen synthesis is disrupted. As a result, it loses its inherent suppleness and connective tissue rips.

Stretch marks can occur at adolescence, after gaining a lot of weight quickly. Hormonal changes linked with

  • puberty,
  • pregnancy,
  • bodybuilding,
  • or hormone replacement treatment

may also affect stretch marks. Stretch marks are widespread on the tummy, thighs, and arms, and they can be difficult to conceal.

Stretch Marks: How to Get Away with Them

While we believe you should cherish your “stretch marks,” we understand why you would wish to hide or remove them. While lotions and lasers may help to reduce the discoloration that might occur when stretch marks initially develop, the results may be disappointing because they aren’t what you were hoping for.

To begin the process of healing, you’ll need stuff that can penetrate deep to the dermis level to enhance skin’s elasticity.

How Dermapen Works in Reducing Stretch Marks?

Dermapen is a novel dermatological therapy that belongs to the category of micro-needling. It’s an automated skin tightening equipment that comes with biodegradable needle tip cartridges and needles that may be adjusted in lengths to fit your specific requirements. Dermapen stimulates collagen formation and improves the texture, tone, and appearance of the skin by pricking it with small needles.

Microneedling Pen or Dermapen
Microneedling Pen or Dermapen

The damage created by a Dermapen cause your body’s natural healing and defense mechanisms to activate. This promotes the synthesis of elastin and collagen, two proteins that help the skin retain its firmness and suppleness. These proteins help to decrease the appearance of stretch marks by stimulating skin renewal and scar healing surrounding them.

Dermapen for stretch marks works on all skin types and may be used on any region of the body. As so, you can make modifications to fit your unique needs.

Best Needle Size that Yields Maximum Results

When it comes to micro-needling, the length of the needles you employ determines the effectiveness of your therapy. While small needles have minimal to no effect, longer needles might harm your epidermis, resulting in bruising or edoema.

Dermapen needles are available in a variety of lengths:

  • 0.25,
  • 0.5,
  • 1.0,
  • 1.5,
  • 2.0,
  • 2.5, and
  • 3.0 millimetres.

For stretch marks, the ideal needle length for a Dermapen is 1.5 to 2.0 millimetres.

However, you should resist using 2.0 mm needles at house since you risk harming yourself.

Steps to Use Dermapen to Get Rid of Stretch Marks

If you want to have a smooth dermapen session, you need to follow the following steps:

  1. Prepare your tools: a dermapen, alcohol pads containing 70% isopropyl alcohol, gloves, numbing cream, and a pure hyaluronic acid serum are all required.
  2. To reduce discomfort during therapy, apply the numbing cream uniformly to the region to be allowed to treat.
  3. After about 20 minutes, remove the numbing cream and clean the area with the alcohol pads.
  4. Retrieve the needle tip from the package, plug it into the pen, and fine-tune the length and pace.
  5. Apply any moisturizer on the skin to allow smooth process of using Dermapen.
  6. Segregate the treatment area into small chunks, pull the skin of the first section taut, and gently move the Dermapen over the region horizontally two to three times.
  7. Then, using vertical strokes, glide it over the same portion, and repeat the cycle for the remaining areas until the entire region has been treated.

Does It Take Long to Witness Satisfactory Results?

Although the benefits of Dermapen for loose skin may take some time to appear, once they do, they are durable, so wait. Collagen regeneration is a time-consuming process that can take up to 6 months to complete.

After the initial treatment you could expect to notice effects in 3 to 6 months on typical. As your skin generates new collagen, the effects typically increase with time. After the sessions, you may feel some soreness or inflammation around your stretch marks; this is typical and will usually diminish in 1 to 3 days.


At-home stretch mark treatment with a Microneedling Pen is a typically safe and effective approach to obtain smooth, perfect skin. It may help tighten aged or slack skin and remove scars in addition to removing stretch marks.

In addition, the at-home therapy is more convenient, cost-effective, and pleasant than the in-office treatment. Furthermore, the end outcomes are equivalent. Always consult your dermatologist beforehand to get an idea about the right usage of dermapen in reducing stretch marks.

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