lighten hair dyed too dark

How to lighten hair dyed too dark at a salon

If you want to lighten hair dyed too dark at a salon, there are many ways to do it. One of them is the baking soda trick, and you can follow the steps below:

  • Wash your hair gently with a shampoo.
  • Do not use a conditioner.
  • Shampoo hair one more time.
  • Mix the baking soda and water to create a paste.
  • Apply the paste to your hair, concentrating on the ends.
  • Leave the paste on for 15 minutes.
  • Rinse out the paste using cool water.
  • Wash your hair with your normal shampoo followed by conditioner.
  • Let your hair air dry to help retain moisture and shine.

This is the best method for removing unwanted red or brassy tones from hair that has become too brightly colored. It also works very well to eliminate any unwanted warm undertones and give hair a more ashy silver/grey tone. 

This technique also removes any unwanted warmth while creating a more intense color than it had before you lightened it.

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There are different methods for lightening hair; this is one of them. It is the easiest and the quickest one for you, so you should try it out first.

It is very important to talk to your hairstylist before dying your hair in order to get the perfect color. If you are not satisfied with your color, you can try using purple shampoo to make it better.

Keep reading this article if you want to learn more about lightening dark hair and how to choose the right color. 1645012925
How to lighten hair dyed too dark at a salon

How do you fade permanent hair dye?

If you want to fade permanent hair dye, you can try out the tips we mention below and see what works best for you:

  • Use a clarifying shampoo.
  • Try a color-removing product.
  • Make a mixture of baking soda and anti-dandruff shampoo.
  • Apply lemon juice to your hair.

Fading permanent hair dye at home is possible, but it won’t necessarily be easy. Removing permanent dye from your hair requires time, patience, and sometimes professional help.

It is best to choose the right color from the beginning so that you like your color. 1645012932
How to lighten hair dyed too dark at a salon

Can you lighten dark hair?

You can lighten dark hair by using a mixture of lemon juice and water. Also, you can lighten dark hair with a mixture of chamomile tea, lemon juice, and water.

Pro tip: You can lighten dark hair with a mixture of cinnamon, honey, and olive oil.

We think natural solutions are the best for those with naturally dark hair who want a slight change without going to the hairdresser. Plus, the ingredients won’t damage your hair, and you can stick to your usual hair routine.

Natural products give you a chance to try out lighter colors and see if they fit you well.

You can lift your hair up to six shades lighter, starting with blonde or light brown hair, but it’s more difficult for darker hair. The lighter your hair is, the faster it will take.

Keep in mind that these natural products take time, so if you want fast results, you can use hair toner to lighten dark hair. If you want to go from dark brown to blonde, it won’t happen in one sitting.

Does hair dye lighten after a few days

Hair dye usually lightens slightly over time and with each wash. Hair dye that has been left on for too long or applied too frequently will have less staying power.

The average hair dye job only lasts about eight weeks. Darker hair dyes tend to last longer than lighter ones, but this isn’t always the case.

Pro tip: Stop using hair dyes that contain coal tar, ammonia, and peroxide, as these ingredients can be drying and irritating to your scalp.

Choose a sulfate-free shampoo to protect your color and get that fresh-out-of-the salon feeling every time you wash your hair. 1645012915
How to lighten hair dyed too dark at a salon

How to pick the right color for your hair?

If you want to pick the right color for your hair, you can consider these tips and tricks we have prepared for you:

  • Don’t ignore your natural color. Your new hair color should be similar to your natural one
  • Think about your skin tone. Don’t go to the light or too dark.
  • Your hair’s “undertone” matters. Consult a professional if you don’t know what your undertone is.

Semi-permanent and natural products are a good way to test your hair’s colors. If you want a change but are unsure if it is the right color for you, you can try them out.

Look for ways to make your hair look healthy and vibrant when picking a color for your hair. Any hair color may look bad if you don’t take care of your hair properly.

If you have a good hair care routine, any color can look fresh and vibrant on you. 1645012941
How to lighten hair dyed too dark at a salon

Conclusion- How to lighten hair dyed too dark at a salon

You can use lemon juice, vitamin C, camomile tea, or honey to lighten your dark hair. If you want a quick fix, you can consider a purple shampoo or a toner to get your hair more toned.

Hair color lightens after a few washes because of fading and deposits from shampooing and conditioning. 

Henna treatments make your hair color last longer. If you prefer to use regular dyes, use products like shampoos that don’t have sulfates to take care of your hair’s color.

While you have to make sure that your stylist knows how to color dark hair, it’s also important to communicate what you want with them. 

By communicating, you can help the stylist understand your needs better and spend less time coloring your hair to the wrong color. 

Lightening hair requires extra expertise and care. It is essential to make sure that the salon you choose has employees who know what they are doing.

As you can see, there are plenty of ways to deal with dyed hair that turns out darker than expected. Which one’s right for you? 

That depends on what your hair is like and what color you’re trying to achieve. Either way, hopefully, this article will help you out the next time it happens.

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