coconut oil good for low porosity hair

Is coconut oil good for low porosity hair?

Is coconut oil good for low porosity hair? Yes, because it’s mostly made up of lauric acid, a fatty acid that sits on the hair’s surface and doesn’t penetrate easily.

Use cold-pressed, virgin coconut oil. If you apply the oil to your scalp, try using a bit less since the scalp itself is not porous, so it won’t absorb as much.

Remember that coconut oil can weigh your hair down, which is fine if you have thick, heavy hair but not good if you have thin, fine hair.

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Fun fact: Coconut oil is long-lasting and can last up to 3 days in the hair without reapplication.

A good way to get more coconut oil onto the strands themselves is by applying a pre-poo treatment. For low porosity hair, coconut oil is a great choice.

If you want to skip coconut oil, other oils work better for low porosity hair, such as argan oil or jojoba oil.

Keep reading this blog post if you want to find out more about low porosity hair and how to take care of it. 1645029382 1
Is coconut oil good for low porosity hair?

How to take care of low porosity hair

If you want to take care of your low porosity hair properly, you should follow these tips below:

  • Use lukewarm water.
  • Avoid shampoos with harsh sulfates.
  • Avoid over-washing and shampooing your hair.
  • Deep condition your hair and use a moisturizing conditioner.
  • Oil your hair before washing it.
  • Do not brush, comb, or manipulate your hair unnecessarily when it is dry.
  • Trim your hair regularly and avoid heat damage

If you follow all of these tips above, you will not have problems with your hair, and you won’t notice that it is low-porosity.

The porosity of your hair is very important because you will know if you are using the right products. 

The products for low and high-porosity hair are different, and if you don’t know that, you can create even more damage.

This blog post is packed with information about low porosity hair. We have other articles that you can read if you want to have shiny and beautiful hair. 1645029402
Is coconut oil good for low porosity hair?

Does low porosity hair need a leave-in conditioner?

Yes, you can use a leave-in conditioner if you have low porosity hair. A leave-in conditioner is not the same as a rinse-out conditioner. You should keep that in mind the next time you go shopping.

Using a leave-in conditioner can protect your hair and give it some sheen. Low porosity hair needs the proper products to stay healthy.

Why is a leave-in conditioner good?

A leave-in conditioner is good because it gives your hair more time to absorb it. The best way to use it is to leave it overnight and wash your hair in the morning.

Keep in mind that not every person with low porosity hair will experience these issues.

How can you know if you have low porosity hair?

The feel of hair strands that are low porosity can be smooth and silky to the touch. However, the catch with this is that they may also be stringy feeling and prone to looking dull.

A way to determine if you have low porosity hair is by comparing your wet and dry strands.

Low porosity hair can have trouble taking in moisture and tends to be drier than other hair types.

There are three levels of porosity: low, medium, and high. Low porosity hair has a tightly closed cuticle layer.

Hair shafts that are low porosity may appear less frizzy when wet than those that are regular or high porosity.

Understanding your hair’s porosity can help you find the right products to meet its needs. Understanding your hair’s porosity or how well your hair absorbs and retains moisture is a good place to start. 1645029392
Is coconut oil good for low porosity hair?

Is coconut oil good for high porosity hair?

Coconut oil on its own isn’t enough to moisturize high porosity hair. Also, coconut oil can make high porosity hair feel oily.

There are better options for high porosity hair, and you should check them out before trying out coconut oil.

Should you avoid coconut oil?

No, you could always use coconut oil in conjunction with a deep conditioner to have a better result.

What is the best time for coconut oil?

The best time to use coconut oil is after shampooing when your scalp is still damp and warm.

Coarse strands tend to absorb the fat in coconut oil; fine hair doesn’t. If you try it and decide it doesn’t work for you, don’t give up on natural remedies altogether.

An iprotein treatment made with milk can help strengthen fragile strands if your hair has been overprocessed. 1645029360
Is coconut oil good for low porosity hair?

Conclusion- Is coconut oil good for low porosity hair?

Coconut oil can be great for low porosity hair. However, there are a few issues that you need to watch out for and keep in mind. 

Firstly, if you have tried pre-pooing with coconut oil and it has not worked for you, do not assume that all coconut oils will perform the same way. 

Coconut oil is a “comedogenic” ingredient or an ingredient that clogs pores. However, what makes coconut oil different is its fatty acid makeup. 

The particular type of fatty acids present in coconut oil contributes to its comedogenic nature. This is due to their size (and not something inherent in the oil itself). 

If you find that certain coconut oils clog your hair, try a different one until you find one that doesn’t cause this problem.

What else is coconut oil good for?

Coconut oil is also good for the scalp. You can massage it into the scalp to provide nourishment, which causes the follicles to recoil and look fuller.

Oil your hair after a wash to maintain moisture. Coconut oil helps seal in moisture and will help prevent damage from the sun and environmental stressors.

We hope this blog post gives you the information you need when it comes to low porosity hair and coconut oil.

Do you use coconut oil? Let us know in the comment section below.

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