Skin is Getting Darker without Sun

Skin Getting Darker without Sun? Here’re the Causes and Solutions!

Although sun is blamed for causing darkness to our skin, yet this isn’t the only cause, but there are many more reasons why is skin getting darker without sun.

Skin is Getting Darker without Sun
Skin Getting Darker without Sun? Here're the Causes and Solutions!

Our face is the most exposed area of the body. Detrimental UV rays hit your skin and stimulate the production of melanin in your skin cells. The more melanin is produced, the darker your skin gets. This is the basic justification given for a darkened face.

The question arises how some people tend to get a darkened skin even they stay indoors or have little exposure to UV rays?

It is Hyperpigmentation that acts as a determining force in stimulating your darkened skin without sun. In this condition, skin cells tend to over-produce melanin, which is a pigment responsible for giving color to your skin.

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What Causes Skin to Get Darkened without Sun?

darker skin
Skin Getting Darker without Sun? Here're the Causes and Solutions!

To get a comprehensive account of darkened skin without sun (hyperpigmentation), its causes and solution. Let’s get into the basic reasons for its appearance.

Genetic Causes

Darkening of the skin can also result from genetic causes. Some of the genetic conditions for darkened skin include:

Incontinentia pigmenti is a genetic condition responsible for affecting your skin, teeth, hair and other body parts. It appears in the form of rash in infancy which later changes into darkened patches of wart-like skin growths.

Acanthosis nigricans is another genetic condition that leads to dark discoloration in the body folds, creases like groin, neck etc. The affected part thickens with the passage of time.

So, the primary cause of hyperpigmentation (darkened skin) is rooted either in the genetic conditions or the lifestyle options you opt for.

Hormonal Imbalance

There are many hormonal imbalances that trigger the darkening of your skin. Some of the hormonal causes of darkened skin include:

During Pregrancy, women have to endure excessive changes in their hormonal cycle and body. during this period, most women develop dark spots on their abdomen and face.

Addison’s disease is a condition that affects the hormonal production by the adrenal glands. With the passage of time, the hormonal imbalance in Addison’s disease leads to discoloration of your cheeks and lips.

Women who take Oral contraceptives also experience hormonal changes that stimulates the melanin production in their bodies. Besides this, Menopause also disturbs the normal cycle of hormonal balance and induces your skin to get darkened.

Other Threatening Causes of Darkened Skin

Besides genetic and hormonal conditions, there are certain other factors that boost hyperpigmentation. Some of them include:

Use of medications tricyclic antidepressants and antimalarial drugs exert much influence on your skin tone. They ultimately lead your skin towards discolored patches.

Cosmetic products are jampacked with harmful chemicals that do much damage to your skin. It induces acne, which further leads to scarring and skin becoming more discolored. Besides this, it aggravates the appearance of dark spots, dry patches and fine lines.

Due to Acne scarring, the marks left on your skin develop into discolored patches at the surface. It boosts the production of melanin resulting in hyperpigmentation. So, acne scarring is one of the factors that cause darkened skin without sun.

Diagnosis and Treatment Of Hyperpigmentation

skin with hyperpigmentation
Skin Getting Darker without Sun? Here're the Causes and Solutions!

In order to determine if you are suffering from hyperpigmentation, you will need to arrange to see a dermatologist.  They will be able to diagnose the reason why you are suffering from this condition. 

Before you visit them, they will ask you to provide details of your medical history. 

On your first visit, they will carry out a full physical examination in order to determine what is causing you to suffer from darker skin. They may even perform a skin biopsy to help narrow down what is causing this situation. 

Once they know the cause they can then determine what treatment plan you should undertake to help alleviate the situation 

In some cases, they may prescribe topical creams to treat this condition. Sometimes, the medication they prescribe contains an ingredient known as hydroquinone. Hydroquinone has properties that will help to lighten darker skin. 

However, it is crucial to note that prolonged use of such medication can lead to the light skin starting to darken again. This often happens when it is used for long periods without any breaks. 

It is vital that, if you are going to use hydroquinone for this medical condition, you do it under the care of your dermatologist. They will be able to provide you with the guidance to ensure that you use it correctly and will not suffer from any adverse reactions. 

You may also find that your dermatologist suggests you use topical retinoids to help lighten smaller patches of skin that have darkened from sun exposure. 

Please note that with either of these treatments it may well be several months before you actually start to see any difference.

Some Treatment Options!

When you notice your skin getting darker without sun, head towards a dermatologist without any second thought. At the same time, you can get some help from the following treatments options and home remedies to brighten up your skin.

Salicylic Acid

Skin Getting Darker without Sun Herere the Causes and Solutions 2
Skin Getting Darker without Sun? Here're the Causes and Solutions!

Salicylic acid is considered to be a powerful agent that helps in peeling off the outermost layer of your skin, leaving room for the fresh and healthy skin to come up.


Skin Getting Darker without Sun Herere the Causes and Solutions 3 1
Skin Getting Darker without Sun? Here're the Causes and Solutions!

Retinoids are widely used for treating bundle of skin issues. It helps in curtailing dark patches on your skin, thus nourishing your skin. Besides this, it evens out your skin tone.

Kojic Acid

Lojic acid is extensively used in various skin care creams, lotions and gels to treat issues like darkened skin, melasma, and hyperpigmentation. It has capacity of lightening your skin tone.

Aloe Vera

Skin Getting Darker without Sun Herere the Causes and Solutions 4 1
Skin Getting Darker without Sun? Here're the Causes and Solutions!

Aloe vera contains components like aloesin and aloin, that help in instilling lightening and soothing benefits to your skin. It works well against hyperpigmentation.

All you need to do is to apply aloe vera extract on your face for almost 15 minutes and then wash it off with lukewarm water.

Tea Tree Oil

Tea tree oil is considered to be a wondrous oil that treats many skin issues. It works effectively against darkened skin.

With its regular use, you will notice less scars and spots on your face. Besides this, it gives nourishing features to your skin. You need to apply tea tree oil on the dark spots of your skin and let the oil soak completely in the layers of your skin.

Some tips for Avoiding Hyperpigmentation

applying skin sunscreen
Skin Getting Darker without Sun? Here're the Causes and Solutions!

A stitch in time saves nine! Yes, same is applicable for preventing hyperpigmentation that trying to treat it later on. Some of the preventive measures include

Always wear sunscreen whether you expose yourself directly to sun or remain indoors. Go for a sunscreen that contains at least SPF 30 or higher.

The use of sunscreen will help to deflect the sun’s UV light rays from being able to penetrate beneath the surface of your skin. Make sure that you apply any sunscreen at least 30 minutes before you go outside, and reapply it every two hours or as needed. 

Also, it is a good idea to make sure that you avoid too much time outdoors when the sun is out. Sure, the thought of getting a perfectly golden tan sounds wonderful, but it can lead to some damage to your skin later on in life. 

Yes, you can sunbathe once in a while, but when outdoors make sure that you cover up as much as possible. When possible, sit in an area with plenty of shade. 

If you have any spots, make sure that you avoid picking at them even if you find them annoying. Picking at them only provides you with a temporary solution to the problem and can lead to other issues later on. 

If you pick at spots, you risk the area becoming inflamed. This further increases the risk of you developing dark spots in these areas. So, to avoid this situation arising, leave the spots alone. Plus, when you go out, wear a broad-brimmed hat to provide you with additional protection against UV exposure.

Choose your cosmetics wisely. Have a look at the ingredients before buying them so you can protect your skin from the detrimental effects of harsh chemicals.

Do lifestyle modifications and have healthy food intake. Configure a good fitness regime so that your body functions properly. You may also want to give Vitamin C serums a try!

Don’t leave makeup on your skin at night. Make a habit of removing makeup before going to sleep so that your skin remains protected from various damages.

Final Words

The skin of your face has the tendency of getting darker as compared to the rest of your body. All you need is to find out the real cause and do some tricks, easy-peasy home remedies and treatments to solve the skin issue in its rudimentary phase.

Always make sure you consult your dermatologist for proper advice.

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