How Long Does a Fake Tan Last

How Long Does a Fake Tan Last? 7 Tips to Extend Your Tan

Greetings! Summertime means strappy dresses and exposed legs. With a professional spray tan, you can walk into that room appearing sun-kissed, not pasty.

How Long Does a Fake Tan Last
How Long Does a Fake Tan Last? 7 Tips to Extend Your Tan

Even better, with correct pre- and post-care, your tan may endure for more than a week of appropriate partying — allowing you to tan before your vacation!

Spray tans are an excellent technique to achieve a healthy tan while avoiding dangerous UV radiation (aging your skin prematurely is definitely not in).

A good tan begins with healthy skin, and tans are designed to make you not only appear but also feel better. Spray tans genuinely enhance the condition of your skin and give you a longer-lasting tan. So, how long a fake tan tends to last?

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It depends on various factors but we would keep it limited to the basic ones.

How Long Does a Fake Tan Last?

First, there’s the science. When the skin’s outermost layer(epidermis) is exposed to the sun, it produces melanin, a dark pigment.

This is the body’s technique of defending itself against harm caused by that giant ball of radioactive stuff in the sky, particularly UVA and UVB rays.

A spray tan can last up to 10 days, depending on your skin type. Spray tans on lighter skin tones can last up to 5 days, medium colors 7-8 days, and deeper colors up to 10 days. It is estimated that your spray tan will last between 5-7 days, depending on how well you maintain it.

Tips for Extending Your Tan

Following tips can prove life-saving advices for extending your tan. Dive into the list of these tips and try them out!

Before you use self-tanner, exfoliate your skin

Exfoliate your skin to eliminate any dead skin cells if you want a long-lasting sunless tan. Exfoliation aids in the smoothing of your skin and the creation of an even surface for self-tanning.

Follow our self-tanner application method when you’re ready to give your skin a lovely, natural-looking bronze glow.

Using a good body wash before and after the spray tan can also do wonders.

Keep your skin moisturized

The key to keeping your tan looking good for a long time is to stay hydrated. However, an oil-based solution can hasten the fading of your tan. Avoid using coconut oil or oil-based moisturizers and lotions to moisturize.

Oil-based products might cause self-tanner to break down after it has been applied to your skin. Always use a basic lotion or tan booster right after a shower.

Bathing in hot water should be avoided at all costs.

Your sunless tanner, however, will not appreciate hot baths, showers, or hot tubs. Hot water dries out your skin and causes it to shed, carrying your sunless tanner with it.

Minimize extended exposure to hot water for optimal results and to avoid unwanted flaking and shedding.

Hair removal is important

Waxing should be done at least 24 hours before tanning to avoid removing a layer of fake tan. Waxing or shaving your legs ahead of time will also prevent color from penetrating your pores.

Keep certain skincare products like Salicylic acid at bay

Take a few moments to go through the things you use on a regular basis. You may not know it, but some of them may be prematurely losing your tan.

Avoid body washes, peels, and some face treatments to help your tan remain longer. Also, salicylic acid-containing acne treatments and ingrown hair products should be avoided.

Take Advantage of Your Clothes

Unfortunately, tan may vanish just as fast as it developed. Knowing which colors might give your skin extra help is vital, in addition to working for your skin tone.

Any pastel color can help you get the most out of your tan by enhancing the warm tones in your skin.

Wearing black will enhance the golden tones in the tan of guys with dark hair and a rich olive tone to their tan.

Daily Use of Sunscreen-A Game Changer

To avoid burning, use a daily sunscreen with at least SPF 30 if you use a sunless tanner. Sunburned skin is damaged skin that peels easily, making your tan fade even faster. So, use a sunscreen that goes an extra mile in the maintenance of a tanned look.

Concluding Remarks

Usually, fake tan lasts up to 10 days, but with proper care and maintenance regimes, you can extend your tan a little bit. Spray tans are the safest choice when it comes to putting your glow on.

Keep a proper glow, moisture and healthy look on your skin along with a perfect tan by taking into account the above-mentioned tips.

Happy Sunless Tanning!

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