toenails smell when you cut them

Why Do Toenails Smell When You Cut Them?

We all need to keep our toenails trimmed so they won’t look bad, break off too short, or cause discomfort when wearing shoes. But cutting your toenails isn’t always a fun task because these nails can have a smell to them.

But why do toenails smell when you cut them? Is there perhaps something wrong with your toes or nails? In this guide, we have all the answers and we share the best tips on how to keep your nails healthy and smell-free. 

Why do Toenails Smell When You Cut Them?

toenails smell when you cut them
Why Do Toenails Smell When You Cut Them?

There are a few things that can cause your feet and toenails to smell bad. Some of the most common reasons your toenails likely smell bad include: 

How Bacteria Under Your Toenails Causes Odors

Your toenails, along with your feet, are often stuffed into a shoe and sock all day long. This dark and humid environment is an ideal breeding ground for bacteria and fungus that can cause all sorts of issues or infections.

If your toenails smell when you cut them, it is an indication that you have bacteria. Your toenails are made of keratin, the same protein that makes up your hair and fingernails.

The bacteria on your feet can cause a funky smell when you cut them.

The best way to reduce bad bacteria underneath your toenails is by practicing good foot care. Cut your nails regularly, air out your shoes often and change your socks every day. 

How Your Toenail Style Causes Odors

Nails that are too long or too short can both cause problems. If your nails are too short, it can cause ingrown nails. 

Keep an eye out for ingrown nails – these occur when the nail grows into the skin around it rather than over it. This can result in infection in the surrounding skin tissue which causes bad smells and potentially a lot of pain. To avoid this problem, take care not to trim your nails too short or file them down too much – just enough so they’re smooth.

Sometimes nails will also start smelling bad if you don’t trim them often enough because the dirt and sweat will pile up underneath them. Long toenails can also get jammed into the front of your shoe with every step. This causes lifting of the nail and leaves your nails vulnerable to fungal and bacterial growth that causes unpleasant smells. 

How a Fungal Infection Causes Odors

A fungal infection is a type of infestation that happens deep underneath your nail plate behind the cuticle. This is the area where nail cells grow a live new nail. The signs of a fungal infection are usually yellow, green, or brown coloring, thickening of the nail, or lifting from the nail bed. Fungal infections can be treated with over-the-counter medications and should be treated quickly since they can be contagious and can spread to other nails. 

How Your Shoes Causes Nail Odors

Smelly shoes and socks can make your entire foot smell bad. These odors can also be absorbed into the nail and can make your nails smelly even after washing your feet. 

It’s best to keep clean socks on at all times to reduce foot odor and make sure you wear shoes with good arch support. 

You can also sprinkle foot powder or antiperspirant into your shoes to reduce the smell. 

How Subungual Debris Causes Nail Odors

Subungual debris refers to dirt and grime that can get stuck around the cuticle, in the corners of your toenails, and between the nail and the nailbed. Some also refer to this debris as “toenail cheese” which usually consists of materials like dead skin, dead nails, sock lint, and soap residue. 

Subungual debris can vary in smell and odor intensity. If these messes are left on your nails and feet for too long, they can become infected. 

The best way to clear up this problem is by giving your feet a good scrub or by booking a pedicure at your local spa. Pro tip: Be sure to wash your hands after cutting your nails!

Sometimes nails will also start smelling bad if you don’t trim them often enough because the dirt will pile up underneath them.

It would be best if you also kept clean socks on at all times in order to reduce foot odour (and make sure you wear shoes with good arch support!) 1637600262
Why Do Toenails Smell When You Cut Them?

Is it Normal for Your Toenails to Smell?

The normal smell of toenails is like the smell of feet, but stronger. Most people don’t know that they have a “normal” smell for their toenails because it’s not something they usually think about.

Find yourself thinking about the scent of your toes more often than usual. It could be an indication that there’s some kind of problem with them (e.g., fungus) or that you’re experiencing hyperhidrosis (excessive sweating) on your feet/toes.

It’s important to see a doctor if you notice any changes in your nail’s look or feel – even if it doesn’t seem serious at first. 

There are many ways to help prevent problems with doctors by taking care of your nails properly – make sure you trim them regularly, so they don’t get too long.

Don’t forget to use lotion daily, so they stay moisturized and strong; wear shoes without closed toes when possible so that air can circulate them better.

All in all, toenails are part of the human body, and as such, they emit a certain odour. The normal smell of toenails is not pleasant, but it’s not necessarily bad either.

However are many causes of unpleasant smells from toenails, including fungal infections, bacterial infections, and nail polish remover. 1637600230
Why Do Toenails Smell When You Cut Them?

What is the White Smelly Stuff Under My Toenails?

The white stuff under your toenails is called “keratin”. You can get rid of it with a foot scrub or nail polish remover.

Keratin is produced by the body to protect your nails and toes. There are many other names for keratin, like “dead skin cells” or “skin debris”.

How to remove the white smelly stuff under your toenails?

1. Soak your feet in warm water with Epsom salt

2. Rinse off the white smelly stuff under your toenails

3. Apply a thin coat of petroleum jelly or other ointments to the area for relief and protection

4. Wear socks to avoid having them spread around on your shoes and clothes 

If you want to prevent the white smelly stuff from building up, wear rubber gloves while washing dishes and cleaning.

You can cut your nails regularly to avoid bacteria buildup. Use a nail brush after each time you wash your hands to remove any dirt or bacteria that may have built up underneath your fingernails.

 Get rid of the white smelly stuff by soaking in vinegar for 10 minutes, then scrubbing with soap and water.

Avoid biting your nails because it can lead to fungal infections and bacterial growth under the nail bed.

 Keep cuticles moisturized, so they don’t get dry and crack, which can cause them to peel back from the fingertip exposing more skin – this is where the fungus thrives! 1637600251
Why Do Toenails Smell When You Cut Them?

Do Ingrown Toenails Smell?

Ingrown toenails can cause a bad smell because the bacteria that causes the nail infection produces the odor.

 A doctor will be able to diagnose and treat your ingrown toenail properly. If you have an ingrown toenail, it’s important not to ignore it, as it could lead to more serious infections or complications.

There are many ways you can prevent getting an ingrown toenail, including wearing shoes that fit well and don’t rub against the toes.

 In some cases, surgery may be necessary for severe cases of ingrown nails.

What are the symptoms of ingrown nails?

Ingrown nails are often painful and can make it difficult to walk or use your hands. Symptoms of ingrown nails include pain, redness, swelling, warmth, and pus around the nail.

 There are many causes for ingrown nails, including an improper cutting technique by a manicurist.

If you notice any of these symptoms, then consult your doctor as soon as possible! 

To prevent this from happening again, avoid getting acrylics done at salons that aren’t reputable.

The best way to get rid of an ingrown nail is by soaking it in warm water with Epsom salt for about 10 minutes before gently pulling out the offending piece using tweezers (note that this may be painful).

Why do Toenails Get Thick and Yellow?

Toenails get thick and yellow when a fungus or bacteria is growing underneath them.

Nail polish can also cause toenails to thicken and turn yellow. A fungal infection may cause thick nails, so try cutting your nails shorter.

There are many ways to treat nail problems – you can use over-the-counter medications or visit a doctor for prescription treatments.

If you have diabetes, it can make your toenails thicker and more likely to become infected with fungus.

 Some people may be predisposed to this condition because of genetics or heredity.

You may be able to treat your toenail fungus at home with over-the-counter medications, but if not, you should visit a doctor, who may be able to prescribe something for you.

There are many different treatments available for nail problems – try cutting your nails shorter or using an antifungal cream that can help get rid of any bacteria underneath them. 1637600240
Why Do Toenails Smell When You Cut Them?

Conclusion: Why do toenails Smell When You Cut Them?

If you have toenail odor, you must take care of your feet. The first step is understanding what the problem may be and how to fix it. 

Cutting nails too short or filing them down too much can lead to funky smells when cutting because bacteria builds up beneath the nail where there are no air holes.

 To avoid this issue, just file your nails, so they’re smooth – not too long but also not too short! 

Because our bodies are made of keratin (the same protein found in hair), which makes up our fingernails and toenails, we need to make sure both are healthy for us to stay healthy overall.

Toenails get thick and yellow for many reasons, including fungal infections.

An injury often causes these infections to the nail or from wearing shoes that don’t fit well.

Thickened nails can also be a sign of diabetes, so contact your doctor right away if you notice this symptom.

Other causes include psoriasis and eczema – these conditions cause skin cells to build upon the surface of the nail bed. 

 The best way to prevent thickening is by keeping feet clean and dry at all times.

 If you think your toes have a fungus, use over-the-counter treatments as directed on package instructions.

Wear socks when walking around in public places like gyms or pools to reduce the risk of getting an athlete’s foot from other people who may have it.

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