blue nail polish mean

What does blue nail polish mean?

 If you are wondering what does blue nail polish mean -Most people believe that the color blue represents power and intelligence. So it’s not surprising that people turn to wear blue nail polish when they feel like they want to increase their intelligence.

 Blue is certainly associated with wisdom because of the varied symbolism attributed to this color throughout history.

It’s also believed that blue represents truthfulness, and this color has been known to represent honor, loyalty, and integrity.

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Another popular belief is that blue nail polish means sadness or depression. 

Wearing this shade may be used to express oneself, or it may be used to hide one’s true feelings.

However, some people wear this color because they truly want to increase their intelligence and other qualities.

 Blue symbolizes many different traits to many different sources, which makes it so versatile in communication. Usually every color has a meaning, therefore it is not strange that blue has so many.

This color is easy for anyone to wear regardless of their age, gender, or personality style. There are many variations of blue nail polish to choose from, which may not all mean the same thing.

Some girls buy the “darker” shade of blue because it is more attractive than other varieties. 1638288691
What does blue nail polish mean?

What does light blue nail polish mean?

Light blue nail polish symbolizes femininity. It is a very light version of the color blue. Light blue can also represent tenderness, vulnerability, and innocence.

 It is traditionally associated with being girly, calm, cool, collected, serene, pure, fresh-faced or young-looking.

 Light blue nail polish can also symbolize clarity or inexperience. White is also associated with these features.

Light blue can also mean that you are “taken”, in the sense that you have a boyfriend. If you don’t want other guys to talk to you, wear light blue nail polish.

Light blue nails polish is a very trendy color that never goes out of style; it is especially popular during the summer days. Light blue is often combined with light pink, and they are adorable together.

If you want to pick a new color for your next manicure, light blue is the right choice. 1638288680
What does blue nail polish mean?

What does blue nail polish go with?

Blue nail polish goes extremely well with other neutral colors such as grey, nude beige and brow. It can also look super icy if you pair it with black.

Blue is often among the favorite colors because you can match it with almost everything. It goes ok with dark colors as well, but lighter colors will make it pop out more.

Blue nails work perfectly for fair skin people with blue eyes; no one can deny that.

Blue nails are also considered attractive, and there are many variants of blue that are available.

Just make sure you get high-quality blue nail polishes because some can look bad on your nails. 1638288670
What does blue nail polish mean?

Is blue nail polish in style?

Yes, blue nail polish is in style all year round, and one of the most popular shades is Royal deep blue and light blue.

As we have said, light blue has strong symbolism, and it looks good on everyone. On the other hand, Royal deep blue is designed for edgier girls and for special occasions.

If you have never tried these shades of blue, you should put them on your shopping list as soon as possible.

You don’t have to worry about being fashionable, because blue will always be one of the top colors.

The best blue color nail polishes

Here is a list of the best-selling blue color nail polishes that we could find that are both affordable and amazing:

  1. Essie- Aruba Blue, a color that is not for everyone; it is a deep blue that screams ” courageous,” and that will look amazing if you dare to try it.
  2. OPI– Blues; a more subtle color for those who want to wear blue nails for work and look professional and beautiful
  3. ILNP- Cornflower Blue; a shade ideal for a party or a luxurious vacation, everyone will be looking at your nails
  4. Sally Hansen- Blues; a color that matches everyone’s mood, and it should be on your shelf today.
  5. Essie- You Do Blue; a color that is neither blur nor violet, but a perfect mix of both with traces of glitter

The list doesn’t stop here; there are many other blue shades that you can discover and pick for yourself.

We absolutely love these colors, and you should give them a chance if you are looking for a blue shade for your manicure.

These colors look even better on toenails, therefore don’t be afraid to go out of your comfort zone and put basic pedicures aside. 1638288658
What does blue nail polish mean?

Conclusion-What does blue nail polish mean?

 Blue nail polish represents power and intelligence, according to most people. Therefore, it is no surprise that people wear blue nail polish when they want to increase the chances of someone perceiving them as smart.

This is the reason why blue shades are good for interviews, just pick a lighter blue on short nails, and you are good to go.

Light blue can also mean that you are single, but frankly, guys rarely notice the color of your nails.

Blue is a comfortable color because it goes with almost every color, especially nude, grey and black. This makes it way easier for you to match your outfits with your nail polish.

Pro tip: Blue looks good on both long and short nails; therefore, you don’t have to be worried about that.

We hope that this article has given you some information about blue nail polish and that you are willing to give it a try now.

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