How long after peeling can I tan

How Long After Peeling Can I Tan?

How long after peeling can I tan? It’s best to wait until the skin has fully healed and is back to normal before tanning. If you peel and then tan very soon after, you risk causing damage to your new skin. Once your skin has peeled and new skin replaces it, we advise that you wait one week before tanning.

Pro tip: If you are peeling only in certain areas, then it’s best to wait an extra day or two for those areas to heal before going out in the sun again.

You don’t have to wear sunscreen on the parts of your body that peeled. We recommend that you wear sunscreen where the skin has not peeled.

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Keep reading because this article gives guidelines for when it is safe to go out in the sun after peeling and what precautions to take. 1649171162
How Long After Peeling Can I Tan?

How Do You Even Out a Peeled Tan?

If you want to even out a peeled tan, follow these steps below:

  • Use an exfoliating body scrub to remove dead skin cells and create a smooth base for your tan.
  • Apply oil-free moisturizer daily to your peeled skin.
  • Use an aloe vera gel after you shower or bath to help the peeling skin feel better and help get the tan out.
  • Blend with bronzer until the color of the fake tan matches the rest of your body.
  • Apply fake tan or bronzer with a makeup sponge for even coverage.

Avoid tanning accelerators and sunless tanners because they also dry out your skin.

Keeping your skin moisturized throughout the process will even out your peeled tan. If you follow these steps, you will even your peeled tan quickly and easily. 1649171178
How Long After Peeling Can I Tan?

Why Is My Skin Lighter After Peeling?

Peeling skin is a normal part of the sunburn healing process. After your damaged skin has peeled away, your new layer of skin may look lighter than what you’re used to.

It won’t last long. In fact, with regular exposure to sunlight sans SPF, your new skin should be back to its original pigment within a few weeks at most.

Why Does Your Skin Peel?

When you get a sunburn, your body sends more blood to the area you have injured. Also, your skin’s top layer contains melanin, giving it pigment and protecting it from harmful ultraviolet rays.

When you have exposed your skin to too much UV light, the body responds by sending extra blood to the injured area to protect deeper layers of skin.

The top layer of your skin will eventually peel away, usually within five to seven days. Underneath, you’ll see new skin that may look lighter than normal.

Peeling is an important part of the healing process. But it can be uncomfortable for you. To ease the discomfort and irritation, you can use moisturizers like aloe vera gel or hydrocortisone cream to relieve sunburn.

Make sure you choose a moisturizer that is hypoallergenic. 1649171201
How Long After Peeling Can I Tan?

Why Is My Fake Tan Peeling Off?

Here are the main reasons why your fake tan might be peeling off:

  • You’re not moisturizing your skin.
  • You’re using soap with your tan on.
  • You haven’t scrubbed your skin properly before you tan.
  • You’re putting too many layers on your skin and not waiting for it to dry between layers.
  • You’re not using a moisturizer before you apply fake tan.
  • Your skin is too dry.
  • You’ve gotten yourself wet with water or sweat without rinsing off first.
  • The formula of the product you are using is not right for you.

If you notice that your fake tan is peeling off, you should check the list above and see if you have made some mistake.

We know the frustration of having the perfect sunless tan, then a few hours later, it starts to peel off! The good news is that there are ways to prevent this from happening so that it doesn’t ruin your next special event.

How Long Do I Have to Stay Out of the Sun After a Chemical Peel?

You will be sensitive to the sun for 2-6 weeks after a chemical peel. You should avoid going outside (or even to a window) for at least one week after getting a chemical peel.

It’s important to keep your skin protected from the sun during the recovery period after a chemical peel. This is because after you get a chemical peel, your skin will be sensitive, even though it may not look like it is.

It is best to consult your doctor about the right time for you.

What Are Chemical Peels?

Chemical peels remove the outermost layer of skin, which contains dead skin cells. A chemical peel has to penetrate through the epidermis, so only doctors can perform them.

The most common type of chemical peel is the light peel. After a light peel, you typically won’t experience any downtime aside from a few days of mild redness, which may last up to 72 hours.

If your skin turns dark and stays that way for a while after your light chemical peel, don’t worry – it’s normal, and it will fade in time.

Tips for Maintaining Your Tan When Peeling

Sunburned skin that is peeling away needs to be removed because it won’t go away or dissolve on its own. You must be delicate when getting rid of this skin, and it can be preferable to gently exfoliate your skin rather than pulling it off.

However, be cautious not to scrub your skin if your sunburn is still unpleasant. To avoid peeling off more skin than is necessary, use a very gentle exfoliant or exfoliating mitt to lightly scrub away the dead skin.

Peeling skin will come off readily with exfoliation, which will make this process easier.

After getting rid of the dead skin, hydrate your skin with a moisturizing, nourishing product. This will stop your skin from further drying out and will keep it moisturized so that it can heal from sunburn.

How to Avoid Peeling While Sunbathing

The easiest technique to avoid peeling while tanning is to use a self-tanner or a spray tan rather than expose yourself to any sunlight.

But if you’re determined to get a tan under the sun, here are some steps you can do to keep your skin from peeling:

woman sunbathing
How Long After Peeling Can I Tan?

Start Using SPF 

When going outside in the sun, wear an appropriate SPF. You can get a tan while protecting your skin from blistering and peeling with an SPF of 15 or 30.

Use an SPF 50 if you don’t want to tan and will be spending more time in the sun. While wearing sunscreen with an SPF of 15 or 30 won’t stop you from tanning, it will work wonders to stop peeling while your skin is healing.

Utilize Tanning Supplies

After tanning, skin peeling can be greatly reduced by using tanning lotions and boosters. These function by supplying the skin with moisturizing and nourishing substances that prevent burning while exposed to the sun.

These also aid in retaining moisture on your skin long after tanning and aid in the development of a brown hue by stimulating melanin formation.

Using both will be ideal for preventing peeling and achieving a brown tan. Please remember that you will still have to wear an SPF while using a tanning product because they provide no UV protection.


Exfoliating your skin a day before sunbathing is an excellent idea. Your skin’s surface accumulates dead skin cells, which are the first to slough off and perhaps peel when you burn and tan.

Exfoliating your skin will help you get rid of extra dead skin cells, which will reduce the likelihood that your skin may peel after being in the sun.

Avoid exfoliating your skin too soon before tanning since it can still be too delicate to handle UV rays. 1649171190
How Long After Peeling Can I Tan?

Conclusion: How Long After Peeling Can I Tan?

After you’ve peeled, the waiting game begins. Allow yourself at least one week before stepping into a booth so that your skin has time to recover from the peeling process. If you want to prepare your skin before tanning, follow the tips and tricks we mentioned above.

If your fake tan is peeling off, there must be a reason. We have mentioned some of the most common ones above, so feel free to check them out before your next tanning session. Last but not least, remember to take good care of your skin! Start moisturizing your skin and using SPF wherever you go – this will benefit your skin overall! 

We hope you found this article helpful, and if you have any more questions or concerns, please feel free to leave a comment below. And as always, happy tanning!

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How Long After Peeling Can I Tan?

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