fake tan age your skin

Does fake tan age your skin?

Does fake tan age your skin? Fake tan is not aging on your skin; the Sun is why some people are experiencing premature aging.

Some of the possible side effects of fake tan:

  • Fake tan can leave your skin drier
  • It can dehydrate your skin
  • Your skin can turn yellowish-orange
  • It won’t smell great
  • Your skin might become itchy
  • It might cause breakouts on the face

What can you do? 

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Limit the use of fake tan to once a month and always moisturize skin before applying it.

Fake tan is an effective way of achieving bronzed, glowing skin without the risk of sunburn and UV damage. However, it has its side effects, like clogged pores, skin irritation, and dry skin. 

The bottom line is that a little bit of natural sunlight every now and again will give you the healthiest looking skin in the long run.

Keep reading if you want to learn more about the effects of fake tan and self-tanners.

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Does fake tan age your skin?

Does fake tan make wrinkles look worse?

The effect fake tan has on your wrinkles depends on the type of fake tan you’re using and how frequently you’re using it. In some cases, a fake tan can make wrinkles look more pronounced.

A perfect spray tan will accentuate your features and make you feel good, but if you use the wrong kind of fake tan, this could impact your wrinkles.

Some fake tan products may clog pores, leading to breakouts in acne-prone skin types. Using the wrong fake tan products can make your skin look dull and dry because it is essentially sucking the moisture from your skin.

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Does fake tan age your skin?

Is self-tanner better than the Sun?

Yes, self-tanner is much better than the Sun. One of the main benefits is that it does not contain any UV rays, which can damage the skin. The self-tanning lotion also does not cause any burns to the skin instead of experiencing sunburns.

Plus, it’s easier to get an excellent, even coverage with self-tanners than with the Sun. Self-tanners don’t wash off easily in the shower or pool unless you are looking for an instant fade.

Sun causes sunburn and skin cancer. The reason why people get scared of using tanning beds is that they are awful for your skin. If you want a healthier and safer way of getting a tan, use self-tanning lotions.

Self-tanner can prevent these risks and give you a warm glow without all of the harmful UV rays associated with it.

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Does fake tan age your skin?

Does self-tanner darken age spots?

The answer is yes and no. If you want to use a self-tanner with age spots, you could choose a darker bronzer. You can even use one with a green tone to help mask the redness and splotches caused by the age spots. Self-tanner can make age spots less visible but not invisible.

Age spots are lightly colored, flat areas on the skin that often result from overexposure to sun rays. To reduce the chance of self-tanner further darkening age spots, you must use an at-home exfoliating treatment. Do this before applying the self-tanner.

Self-tanners will also darken age spots if you use a moisturizer with sunscreen first. Then, apply a self-tanner.On the other hand, if you use a self-tanner that’s the same color as your age spot, it might blend in with your natural skin tone. Thus, the spot will look lighter.

An at-home exfoliating treatment works to remove dead skin cells and smooth out any rough patches across the skin’s surface.

If you’re concerned about how a self-tanner will affect your age spots, consider using an exfoliating treatment. It will help remove or lighten the appearance of your age spots before you begin your tanning process.

What is the safest fake tan?

Fake tans are safer than sunbathing but are still not completely safe. There are things to look out for when deciding which fake tan to use.

Check for ingredients such as dihydroxyacetone (DHA), glycerin, and propylene glycol. DHA is the only approved tanning ingredient.

Apply an effective sunscreen on exposed areas of skin after a self-tanner application to lessen the risk of adverse reactions to DHA.

Follow these tips:

  • Stay away from aerosol fake tans, no matter what. 
  • Look for hypoallergenic or skin-friendly labels.
  • Don’t use a fake tan that contains parabens.

There is no such thing as an “all-natural self-tanning product.” Our recommendation is Skinerals Onyx Self Tanner and The Organic Pharmacy Self Tan.

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Does fake tan age your skin?

Conclusion- Does fake tan age your skin?

In short, no. You can’t prevent the passage of time, but you can delay it as best you can. So take care of your skin, get regular check-ups and stay out of the Sun whenever possible. And if you’re looking for an alternative to either, fake tan is an excellent way to go.

With the right product, one visit once a month might help keep you looking young for years to come.

Don’t go overboard if you decide to go with a fake tan. In moderation, this product is a great way to give your skin some much-needed color and is far safer than tanning in the Sun. It’s also a lot quicker, less painful, and goes on with less mess than natural tanning. 

Fake tans use dihydroxyacetone (DHA) which reacts with the dead skin cells on your skin’s surface to produce a tan color. These DHA molecules evaporate within about 2 hours of application, leaving no residue on the skin.

This chemical action produces the dramatic results of fake tanning. Plus, it is also the cause of some of its side effects- like dry skin and skin irritation. However, with proper before and aftercare, everything can be solved.

So, if you want to look healthier and like you’ve just returned from a sunny holiday, fake it till you make it! We hope this article sheds some light on the most important things about fake tans.

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